
I often refer my clients to the following resources.

Headspace – this is an easy to use and very accessible meditation and mindfulness app

Calm – this app makes Mindfulness easier to fit into our busy lives. It provides short guided exercises aimed at helping people get some peace

Reinventing your Life, Jeff Young – This book helps people understand where long term patterns may originate from and how to break them.

Hold me Tight, Sue Johnson – This book helps couples optimise their connection with one another

‘Overcoming’ Series by Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre. There are a variety of different books according to different issues and each helps a person understand where their problems might come from, how they are maintained and gives them practical exercises worksheets they can do to relieve their distress.

Frazzled, Ruby Wax – This book about Mindfulness is written by a comedian who has not only experienced depression but has also trained as a Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapist and so it is a great combination of being both light hearted and insightful

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