Therapy for Young People
Growing up has never been easy, and in this digital age, the journey to adulthood can feel especially isolating and challenging. For the TikTok and Snapchat generation, it often seems like everyone else is more confident, self-assured, and energetic. When you’re struggling with life’s challenges and can’t see a way forward, it can be incredibly helpful to talk to someone who listens without judgment and helps you navigate your path.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is different from traditional therapies. Known for being short-term, collaborative, and goal-focused, CBT can provide effective support.
CBT acknowledges that our emotional experiences and reactions stem from our thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations. It’s not the situation itself that causes difficult feelings, but how we interpret it. At The Cove, we focus on the ‘here and now,’ identifying connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By understanding these connections, we can break negative patterns and develop healthier coping strategies. Many people notice positive changes relatively quickly, feeling more equipped to tackle their current problems.
CBT: Connecting Thoughts and Feelings
Consider a scenario to illustrate how our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors. Imagine walking into your classroom, and as your classmates see you, they start to laugh. How would you feel?
You might think, “Nobody likes me. They’re laughing at me. I’m a terrible person. There’s no use in even trying today. I just want to go home and back to bed.” These thoughts might make you feel sad or depressed.
Or you might think, “They’re laughing at me. Do I have food in my teeth or is my underwear showing? It must be my new school bag. I told my mum I wanted the other one. I can feel my heart racing and my face blushing. Now they must be really laughing at me. I can’t cope. I need to escape.” These thoughts might make you feel anxious or scared.
You might also think, “I hate that group. They’re so pathetic. Laughing at something ridiculous, I bet. But the noise is so annoying. I’m going to tell them to shut up.” These thoughts might make you feel angry or mad.
But what if you thought, “I wonder what’s funny? I’m going to find out.” This thought might make you feel curious, intrigued, and even energized, enjoying being around others who are in a good mood.
Starting therapy sooner rather than later can prevent difficulties from becoming long-standing. If you’d like to learn more or get started, send me an email or give me a call.

“Its ok to:
– Say no
– Not be ok
– Be yourself
– Ask for help
– Have bad days
– Make mistakes”
Young People Therapy Review